As one of corporations that are firstly approved by the LOADING-CARGO INT'L FORWARDING CO.,LTD is an international comprehensive forwarder who has a bridle-wise and professional team with good teamwork spirit. The management with many-year experiences in the field of international forwarding has established long-term and stable relationship with both domestic and oversea corporations.
Our company located in Shanghai,China and we are the member of JCtrans and WCA,and obtain ISO9001 Certificate.
Aiming at becoming a modern comprehensive logistics provider, we develop traditional international forwarding mode to provide extensive logistics services on a high professional level for import and export of both ocean and air freight, including booking, customs clearance, inspection, quarantine and insurance brokerage, warehousing, transit and inland transport, consolidation/deconsolidation as well as consulting service for complicated logistics project.
Network building is one of our emphases. At the present time, our network has covered main China sea and air ports as well as all the basic international ports. Sufficient network resource enables clients to achieve oversea success with “one stop” service. In addition, we attach great importance to the cooperation with other forwarders since it is definitely important to the development of both sides.
With the motto of satisfying all the clients, we are sure to win your trust and preference.
Company News
商船三井(MOL)日前透过书面声明表示,缅甸投资管理部门已向该公司全资附属公司缅甸MOL有限公司批准永久营业执照。新公司地点位于仰光,注册资本5万美元。 据悉,商船三井早于一百年前,已开始与在缅甸的客户拓展关系,去年三月,该公司开始提供新加坡直达缅甸仰光的定期航班。声明中提到,是次在缅甸建立其全资附属公司,也是为了进一步拓展缅甸这一新兴市场。 MOL香港班轮管理部门高级副总裁Tomoyuki Suzuki称,“缅甸的发展前景十分广阔,但不
Company News
浙江在线01月16日讯 去年底,集运公司就在酝酿今年1月份的提价计划。今年元旦一过,船运费涨价潮如期来临。费用上涨,牵动着货代公司、外贸商敏感的神经,因为这意味着成本增加,利润减少。 海运费全线推涨 最近,义乌国际商贸城经营各类针织袜类产品的郭先生正忙着出货。昨日,他从合作的船运公司处得知,海运费涨价了。20英尺标准箱、40英尺标准箱、40英尺高箱的海运价格均出现不同程度的上涨,拉开今年船运费的涨价序幕。 数据显示,中国货代